In case you’re like most individuals, you want your monetary future to be better than your current, or at least not worse. H. Any unit owner or purchaser of a condominium unit, having executed a contract for the disposition of the identical, shall be entitled upon request to a recordable statement setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments at the moment levied against that unit.
(c) If any chutes, flues, ducts, conduits, wires, bearing walls, bearing columns or some other equipment lies partially inside and partially outdoors of the designated boundaries of a unit, any portions thereof serving solely that unit shall be deemed a part of that unit, whereas any portions thereof serving more than one unit or any portion of the widespread parts shall be deemed a part of the frequent elements.
A. In accordance with the federal Freedom to Show the American Flag Act of 2005, no unit house owners’ association shall prohibit or otherwise adopt or implement any policy restricting a unit owner from displaying upon property to which the unit owner has a separate ownership interest or a right to exclusive possession or use the flag of the United States every time such show is …